Beautiful Saya Cosplay with Black Dress

Another Beautifull Saya Cosplay Photography as Hatsune Miku from Vocaloid 2, i think almost all Saya Cosplay photography always show the character she cosing with sweet smile and cheerful or in sad expression, but in this Saya Cosplay photo there is so many emotion shown beetween hatsune Miku with the way whos that male character name xD? is that Diva Kaito? oh well whoever he is, he seemed to enjoying the moment with Saya :D (i mean Hatsune Miku)

Beautiful Saya Cosplay with Black Dress Gallery

They both look so happy and enjoying their time together, beside that the lighting effect (and little editing effect) give a romantic touch to this Saya Cosplay Photography ^^ they look like a real couple in 
prewedding photo session XD woww i kinda jelous (sad Saya has left us now) thats really nice elegan black dress i like the lace design on that dress that make the dress look more nice, one more thing that i love from this Saya Cosplay photography is the background of it, the background of city with sunset orange sky give more romantic atmosphere to this Saya Cosplay Photography, well you can see another Saya Cosplay with dress on Euphemia cosplay by Saya.

Another Steins;Gate Cosplay : Feris Nyannyan

More Steins;Gate Cosplay photography, this time the cosplayer behind this Steins;Gate Cosplay photo is Japanese Cosplay girls her name is Yohka, she cosplaying as Feris Nyannyan character from the series (her real Name is Rumiho Akiha) Feris works at the maid cafe "Mayqueen Nyannyan" she is the most popular waitress there, her being the one suggested it become the mecca of moe and anime (More Steins;gate Cosplay Photography).

Another Steins;gate Cosplay : Feris Nyannyan Gallery

Feris tends to add meow (ニャン nyan?) to her sentences. Her character is 17 years old (well that cute to hear girl with their unique senteces like Feris (nyan) or Mayuri) well on this Steins;gate Cosplay photo Yohka seem fits enough as Feris Nyannyan, though i think she got little different body posture with Feris, even so i love hows Yohka enjoying her role as Feris and posing like a real feris ^^ about her cosplay costume, no doubht she got nice cosplay costume that look like a real Mayqueen Nyannyan maid costume in anime, though i think need more twister on her hair :D, well i got this Steins;gate Cosplay photo from Yohka's worldCosplay.

Η «Μπλε Πανσέληνος»

Πρόκειται για ένα φαινόμενο που εμφανίζεται κάθε 2,5 χρόνια περίπου. Τα περισσότερα έτη έχουν δώδεκα πανσελήνους, ωστόσο κάθε ημερολογιακό έτος περιλαμβάνει δώδεκα σεληνιακούς κύκλους και έντεκα ημέρες ακόμη. Όταν αυτές
αθροίζονται, εμφανίζεται ένα επιπλέον φεγγάρι.

«Καθώς ο σεληνιακός μήνας είναι μικρότερος από το μέσο μήνα του ημερολογίου, τυχαίνει να έχουμε δύο πανσελήνους μέσα στον ίδιο μήνα. Το φαινόμενο αυτό αποκαλείται "μπλε πανσέληνος", όρος που όμως δεν χρησιμοποιείται επίσημα στην Αστρονομία», εξηγεί στο ΑΜΠΕ ο αστρονόμος του Εθνικού Αστεροσκοπείου Αθηνών, Νίκος Ματσόπουλος.

Φέτος έχει δοθεί μεγαλύτερη έμφαση στο φαινόμενο, καθώς συμβαίνει τον Αύγουστο. «Πρέπει να διευκρινίσουμε ότι στην αστρονομία η πανσέληνος του Αυγούστου δεν διαφέρει από τις υπόλοιπες. Το λαμπρότερο φεγγάρι συμβαίνει όταν την ημέρα της πανσελήνου η Σελήνη βρίσκεται στην πιο κοντινή απόστασή της από τη Γη, δηλαδή περίπου μία φορά το χρόνο. Το φαινόμενο αυτό ονομάζεται και "Super moon"», διευκρινίζει ο κ. Ματσόπουλος.

Η παλαιότερη αναφορά του όρου «μπλε φεγγάρι» καταγράφεται το 1524 σε ένα έντυπο που επιτίθεται στον αγγλικό κλήρο. Στο κείμενο αυτό σημειώνεται: «Εάν πουν ότι το φεγγάρι είναι μπλε, τότε θα πρέπει να πιστέψουμε ότι αυτό είναι αλήθεια». Στο πρωτότυπο κείμενο χρησιμοποιείται ο μεσαιωνικός όρος «belewe», που μεταφράζεται ως «μπλε», σημαίνει όμως και «προδοσία». Για το λόγο αυτό όταν το 18ο αιώνα κατά τη διάρκεια της Γρηγοριανής μεταρρύθμισης του ημερολογίου, όπου «χάθηκαν» κάποιες μέρες, «χάθηκε» και ένα φεγγάρι, αυτό ονομάστηκε «το φεγγάρι της προδοσίας».

Η πιθανότερη προέλευση του όρου «μπλε φεγγάρι» προέρχεται από το γεγονός ότι κατά τη διάρκεια πυρκαγιών ή εκρήξεων ηφαιστείων και εξαιτίας του καπνού ή της σκόνης στην ατμόσφαιρα, το φεγγάρι φαίνεται κοντά στον ορίζοντα να έχει ένα μπλε χρώμα. Το γεγονός αυτό συνέβη μετά την έκρηξη του ηφαιστείου του Κρακατόα το 1883 και του ηφαιστείου Ελ Χιχόν στο Μεξικό το 1983 και στις πυρκαγιές του 1950 στη Σουηδία και του 1951 στον Καναδά.

Ο όρος «μπλε φεγγάρι» έχει και μεταφορική σημασία, που υπογραμμίζει τη σπανιότητα ενός φαινομένου. Χαρακτηριστική είναι η αγγλική έκφραση «once in a blue moon», που σημαίνει ότι κάτι συμβαίνει σπάνια.

Ενδιαφέρον αποτελεί το γεγονός ότι το «Μπλε φεγγάρι» θα συμβεί αύριο, 31 Αυγούστου, στις χώρες που βρίσκονται δυτικά της ζώνης ώρας UTC/GMT +8. Σε χώρες που βρίσκονται ανατολικά από τη ζώνη των UTC/GMT +9 ωρών (στον Ειρηνικό ωκεανό), οι δύο πανσέληνοι θα εμφανιστούν τον Σεπτέμβριο, την 1η και στις 30 του μήνα.

Η τελευταία πανσέληνος του καλοκαιριού θα γιορταστεί σε περισσότερα από 125 μουσεία και αρχαιολογικούς χώρους σε όλη την Ελλάδα. Οι χώροι θα μείνουν ανοιχτοί με ελεύθερη είσοδο, ενώ στους 85 από αυτούς θα διοργανωθούν συναυλίες, θεατρικές παραστάσεις και ξεναγήσεις.

Η επόμενη διπλή πανσέληνος θα συμβεί στις 2 και 31 Ιουλίου του 2015.

Saya Cosplay Photo as Nanto Yaya

Its sweet Saya Cosplay photo as Nanto Yaya from Strawberry Panic! anime, she always look great on black long hair color i think that really fits with her brown eyes and sweet smile ^^ (she always smiling on every Saya Cosplay photo, that opposite with Koyuki) i really like her cosplay costume on this Saya Cosplay photography, i never watch Strawberry Panic! so i don't know that was a high school uniform or not, but it will make all girls look cuter while wearing it ^^.

Saya Cosplay Photo as Nanto Yaya Gallery

Well since i don't know about this anime so i can't say how fits Saya as the Nanto Yaya, but i think saya won't fits as agressive girls like Nanto Yaya, Yaya Nanto is Hikari's roommate. She is a somewhat forceful girl who also seems to look out for Hikari, beside her costume on this Saya Cosplay photo i think that big orange ribbon give a big contribution to make Saya look even more sweeter :D, well in Previous Saya Cosplay she cosplaying as Hibiki Ganaha from the idolm@ster, saya look more cheerful with that gold costume, well its sweet Saya Cosplay photography as Nanto Yaya.

Asae Ayato Cosplay : Rejected Cthuko

More Asae Ayato Cosplay photo as Cthuko character from Haiyore! Nyaruko-san, you can check more of Asaye Ayato Cosplay as Cthuko from here :D (i bet you would love that) actually i think Asae Ayato look more cute with black, white or blonde hair like on Asae Ayato Cosplay photo as Sena Kashiwazaki, but Asae Ayato with red hair like on this Asae Ayato Cosplay is not bad tought ^^.

Asae Ayato Cosplay : Rejected Cthuko Gallery

Asae Ayato Cosplaying as Cthuko and her friend name is Yuushi which cosplaying as Nyaruko (is that nyaruko!? not sure XD) well i love to see Asae Ayato Cosplay photo but there is something more interesting about this cosplay, that is their pose, hey...Yuushi pease don't reject Asae Ayato like that :O she want a hug (or kiss, whatever is that i wanna become Yuushi now XD), at least fast switch position with me, i won't reject her Lol, well i love this Asae Cosplay photography but already forgot from where i got this cosplay photo, sorry for not including source link for this Asae Ayato Cosplay photo. 

Another Koyuki Cosplay as Marisa

This is Koyuki Cosplay photo as the character from Touhou Project anime, finally i can post more Koyuki Cosplay photo (been long time did not post cosplay photo from Koyuki ^^) Koyuki is lovely cosplayer that always make me even more love her cosplay when i saw her expression, well she rarely smile on her cosplay photo ^^" but i think thats is one of my reason why i always love Koyuki Cosplay.

Another Koyuki Cosplay as Marisa Gallery

Its great that i can see Koyuki Cosplaying as Marisa Kirisame character from Touhou Project, and the best part from this Koyuki Cosplay photo is we can see Koyuki smiling XD well not just that on this Koyuki Cosplay photography Koyuki looks so sweet with that white dress and witch hat (that costume was remind me with Witch armor in mabinogi heroes online game :D) beside that although Koyuki got japanese face but she look awesome with that blonde hair, to see previous Koyuki Cosplay photography you can go to this link. its sweet Marisa Kirisame cosplay.

Cute Neneko Cosplay : Karuta Roromiya

Another Neneko Cosplay that make me love her even more ^^, this time she cosplaying as Karuta Roromiya from japanese anime tittled Inu x Boku SS, i never watch neither read this manga/anime but when i saw some Karuta Roromiya Cosplay (including this Neneko Cosplay) and hows cute Karuta is, i think i would love this anime when i watch or read this Manga/anime (this is very cute Neneko Cosplay :D). 

Cute Neneko Cosplay : Karuta Roromiya Gallery

Beside this Cute Neneko Cosplay photo you can also find other Karuta Roromiya Cosplay by Miiko and Yukiyo Ren, but so far my favorites Karuta's Cosplay is this Karuta Roromiya Cosplay, Neneko is always look awesome when she cosplaying as Cute character like on this Neneko Cosplay Photo, cute maid Cosplay costume combining with Pink short hair make this Neneko Cosplay look even more cuter, i hope there is Cute culture at my town so i can find maid cafe with waitress like on this Neneko Cosplay photo XD, well i love this Karuta Roromiya Cosplay photo.

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Sweet Midori Kanda Cosplay : Hatsune Miku

Midori Kanda Cosplay photo as the most famous Vocaloid Character, Hatsune Miku, but i believe this is better version of Hatsune Miku, on this Midori Kanda Cosplay photo Midori kanda look more cuter and sweeter than Hatsune Miku for me ^^ (i prefer Midori Kanda with her real hair. a black long hair look more perfect on her) though i think Midori need more cheerfull expression that would make her even more fit with Hatsune Miku image.

Sweet Midori Kanda Cosplay : Hatsune Miku Gallery

Well on this Midori Kanda Cosplay photo she's not wearing official costume of hatsune miku, Midori Kanda just wearing a sweet casual cloth (i really love her cloth on this Midori Kanda Cosplay) white dress with some black color line touch that look so sweet on her (thats make her sweeter than that candy XD), i never see Hatsune Miku wearing that cloth, although she did so many good cosplay with good costume, but she look more amazing when she wearing her casual cloth with her camera ^^ (she's amazing just the why she are XD ~bruno mars). 

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