Kyoko is one of the female characters in Adekan manga, Adekan is Historical Shoujo manga set in the Meiji era, the story centered on Yoshiwara Shiro, she is a sexy umbrella maker with a distinct hatred of underwear, and also a police officer Yamada Kojiro, what to do with Kyoko? I don't know ^^, I never read this manga.
Let's forget about whos Kyoko, we talk about how adorable Mussum as mermaid Kyoko cosplay costume in this Kyoko Cosplay Pictures, first, Mussum is gorgeous as usual, second, that is high detailed Kyoko mermaid Cosplay costume, and last thing, she swam in that very complicated costume, what else do you need to say this awesome Kyoko Cosplay picture.
Let's forget about whos Kyoko, we talk about how adorable Mussum as mermaid Kyoko cosplay costume in this Kyoko Cosplay Pictures, first, Mussum is gorgeous as usual, second, that is high detailed Kyoko mermaid Cosplay costume, and last thing, she swam in that very complicated costume, what else do you need to say this awesome Kyoko Cosplay picture.